National Portrait Gallery London 1991 - Duncan Goodhew Olympic gold medallist sits in front of 'The Swimmer'  an 11 monitor analogue video installation. Photograph ©npg

Born in the West Midlands of England in a small town called Willenhall. I completed an Art Foundation Course at Walsall School of Art, UK , a BA at Cardiff College of Art, Wales, and an MA at London University/Birkbeck in Computer Applications and Art History. Currently I am based in Gran Canaria, Spain. In my art I use different materials – drawing, painting, video and photography. I also reference different times and periods in history merging past, present and imagining what is to come.I have made art under three names:

Anne Wilson: 1982 to 1995, I was a performance/video artist working with Marty St James. We did tours of the US and the Parallel Galleries in Canada, worked across the UK and Europe, and had video work in numerous festivals. In 1990/91, the National Portrait Gallery, London, commissioned three video portraits: the swimmer Duncan Goodhew (photograph at top ©npg); Sally Burgess, the opera singer; and Julie Walters, the actress/comedian. Other video portraits were also shown at the Nagoya Video Biennale in Japan and at the German Parliament building, then in Bonn.

Anne Baker: From 1996, I taught art at Camden Institute, London as head of department, and at the University of North London in the architecture faculty. It was at UNL that I became interested in virtual reality. In 2000, I was commissioned by the Montreal Biennale to make 'Container', a virtual reality depository for memories which was hand-coded using VRML. 'Container' was exhibited in Montreal, London and at Kingston Art Gallery, as well as having an interactive presence online. I then took time off from art to bring up my children.

Fatima Fletcher: In 2015 and 2016, I had 2 exhibitions at Islington Arts Factory, London, of photomontage works and video. In 2016, 'Memory is a Beach' one of these video works video was chosen for the London Short Film Festival. 
In 2021 and 2022 I had works exhibited in Australia and Taiwan. 
I live and work in Isleta, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria España.

My background is in performance and video I also make paintings on canvas and paper. 
I am currently - November 23 onwards -  painting local scenes where I live and work in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Scarborough N. Yorkshire UK where I visit family  - both seaside towns.
It Feels Like North to Me” was a video with drawings exhibited in Melbourne at the NoVacancy Gallery as part of the Compass 2023 . This video compared the two coastal towns Las Palmas, Gran Canaria where I live and work and Scarborough North Yorks UK where I visit family.
The short video ´Prelude´ made in February 2023 in response to emergency surgery. A still from this video was shown in the exhibition Scar at The House of Smalls in Chipping Campden UK .

 'A walk to the shops' a short video selected for the Orbe Terracqueo film festival CLIMARTE - The Art to Save the Climate, Bergamo Italy in April 2023 - stills below
During 2022 I had 3 exhibitions in Taipei, Taiwan - 'Ruff Ruff' at L'atelier M,  'Exquisite Clones' exhibition at The Gradient Orchid cafe and Angels&Orchids in December in association with the Bridge Art Centre Taipei.
First half of 2022 and disturbed by repeated attacks on women in the news I embarked upon a series of works involving an open call to friends and acquaintances to send me their images both looking behind and carrying a weapon other than keys.
In 2018 I started painting in acrylics and in January 2019 I moved to Hong Kong where I lived during the worst of covid and through the protests, both of which affected my work. The pollution in the South China sea inspired a set of works featuring Mermaids who were dying, masks appeared in my Portraits and ​​​​​​​Hong Konger's protests against China taking over their legislature led to the first of my my Bench intervention piece as there were many broken hearts in Hong Kong. 

Bench sticker Lamma Island Hong Kong 

I moved to Gran Canaria in September 2020 and began working on paper with ink as well as using paints and video. During lockdown in 2021 I had 3 works exhibited by Artaviso an Australian based artists project/exhibition group:
'Bufadero' is an animated landscape, created for exhibition and to be continuously looped. Based upon a natural phenomenon on the North West coast of Gran Canaria the video combines live footage, photography and pen and ink drawings. It's inspiration was a moment in time when the clouds moved away, a black and white world showed a splash of colour, a rainbow arced down into the sea and the bufadero filled and emptied. Originally made for Artaviso virtual exhibition/project 'Elsewhere and Other Places' 2021
Wall video - durational, to be exhibited on any device, wall mounted is good.

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