'Warriors 1, 2 and 3', 2020. Acrylic and bling on canvas 40 x 51.5 cm.
Inspired by protestors in Hong Kong 2019/20.
Inspired by protestors in Hong Kong 2019/20.
Lips and Nails
Imagine if the women in Old Master paintings and sculptures had access to false acrylic nails and lipstick...
Imagine if the women in Old Master paintings and sculptures had access to false acrylic nails and lipstick...
Lamma Island
'Rainy night on Lamma Island' (40.5cm x 30cm) and 'Rainy night junipers at Tai Wan Tsuen' (51cm x 40cm), both acrylic and gilded silver on canvas, 2020.
Re-painting History
Paintings combining historical and contemporary references, 2019/2020. Left to right: 'Dog Days' , 'Dragon Lady' and 'Hand of God'. Acrylics on canvas with gilding and bling.
Left to right: 'A Tudor Selfie' , 'Unicorn' and 'Who Cares'